歌手:Cécile Corbel
发行公司: Bran Music


Cécile Corbel1980年出生在法国的Bretagne ,她在那长大和学凯尔特竖琴。18岁时,Cécile Corbel 去了巴黎学习考古学,但她仍然继续着自己的音乐梦。一场接着一场的酒吧和咖啡厅演出后,她自己制作了自己的第一张专辑songbook 1 ,之后开始扬名。 之后她开始试着当单人音乐人,弹唱创作均由自己完成。她现在居住在法国巴黎,在巴黎内外都经常有演出。 她的音乐最大的特色就是她的声音,甜美而不做作。音乐结合凯尔特小调和地中海音乐,歌词则结合古诗。她也曾和不少非常知名的World Music音乐人合作过,如Alan Stivell. Cecile Corbel于2008年发布专辑《Songbook 2》。

The new album by Celtic harpist and singer.
With the adventure had with the studio Ghibli around music from the movie "Arrietty, the small world of scroungers" (Best Original Score 2010 and gold in Japan) Cecile Corbel continues his exploration of folk pop world. A harp and voice, inspired by the Celtic imagination.
In continuation of his first records, Cecile Corbel continues his exploration of folk pop world with this new album, inspired by Celtic and fantasy tainted East. We will cross well over the songs, King of the Fairies, a young woman accused of witchcraft, a few fireflies, a French soldier or lovers looking for a soulmate.
The legendary world that is woven throughout the 10 tracks on the album is still conducive to daydreaming. Songbook Vol.3 is also a rebirth for the musician, a more acoustic album, a return to the harp, more present than ever in the arrangements.
The opportunity also for her to sing her love to her native Britain in a new version of the march of "Brian Boru" Alan Stivell was sublimated in his album of the same name, which becomes for during a hymn to return to Britain.


Cécile Corbel - 01.Brian Boru
Cécile Corbel - 02.The King of The Fairies
Cécile Corbel - 03.Where have You Been
Cécile Corbel - 04.Sweet Amarylis
Cécile Corbel - 05.Elisabetha
Cécile Corbel - 06.Fireflies
Cécile Corbel - 07.La Belle s'est Endormie
Cécile Corbel - 08.Little Soldier
Cécile Corbel - 09.My Lullaby
Cécile Corbel - 10.Yarim Gitti



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