歌手:Delta Goodrem

Delta has always been a fan of Christmas & relishes in the festive spirit every year. 2020 sees Delta release her first full length Christmas album featuring two original tracks and 11 sensational covers.
The album was recorded with the help of The Sydney International Orchestra, The Mount Druitt Gospel Choir & Siter2Sister Kid’s Choir.
The album includes a stunning rendition of Silent Night with the legendary Gurrumul & Olivia Newton John lends her vocals to one of Delta’s original tracks Merry Christmas To You.


01 - Delta Goodrem - Carol of the Bells
02 - Delta Goodrem - Only Santa Knows
03 - Delta Goodrem - The Little Drummer Boy
04 - Delta Goodrem - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
05 - Delta Goodrem - Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
06 - Delta Goodrem - River
07 - Delta Goodrem - Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
08 - Delta Goodrem - White Christmas
09 - Delta Goodrem - Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
10 - Delta Goodrem - Deck the Halls
11 - Delta Goodrem - Grown-Up Christmas List
12 - Delta Goodrem, Gurrumul - Silent Night
13 - Delta Goodrem, Olivia Newton-John - Merry Christmas to You
14 - Delta Goodrem - Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)
15 - Delta Goodrem - Sleigh Ride
16 - Delta Goodrem - Jingle Bell Rock
17 - Delta Goodrem - Frosty the Snowman



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