歌手:Yung Bleu
流派:RAP/HIP HOP嘻哈说唱
发行公司: Vandross Music Group, Inc. / EMPIRE

美国说唱歌手YUNG BLEU发布全长专辑《Moon Boy》,Drake, John Legend, H.E.R., Moneybagg Yo, Kodak Black, Kehlani, Big Sean, Chris Brown, 2 Chainz, A Boogie Wit da Hoodie等大牌云集!
几年内,多才多艺的YUNG BLEU以一系列经典曲目突破十亿流媒体播放量、十亿油管浏览量,与Drake 合作的单曲《You’re Mines Still》一举冲进Billboard 热门单曲前20名,并蝉联Urban与 Rhythmic radio榜首长达数周。
After racking up 1 billion streams and YT views over the past few years with a series of smash love anthems, the multi-talented Mobile, Alabama artist scored his first Billboard Hot 100 hit with “You’re Mines Still,” a joint single featuring Drake, which debuted at #52 on the charts, and reached #1 at Urban and Rhythmic radio. Now he is gearing up for a star-studded full-length album relase with features from John Legend, Kodak Black, Moneybagg Yo, Kehlani, Gunna, Jeezy and more. TOP prio for EMPIRE.


01 - Yung Bleu, John Legend - Die Under The Moon(Explicit)
02 - Yung Bleu, H.E.R- - Tired Of You(Explicit)
03 - Yung Bleu, Moneybagg Yo, Kodak Black - Angels Never Cry(Explicit)
04 - Yung Bleu, Kehlani - Beautiful Lies(Explicit)
05 - Yung Bleu - Contract Killers(Explicit)
06 - Yung Bleu, Big Sean - Way More Close (Stuck In A Box)(Explicit)
07 - Yung Bleu, Jeezy - Shoe Box(Explicit)
08 - Yung Bleu - Last Summer(Explicit)
09 - Yung Bleu, Drake - You're Mines Still(Explicit)
10 - Yung Bleu, Gunna - Water Works(Explicit)
11 - Yung Bleu, Chris Brown, 2 Chainz - Baddest(Explicit)
12 - Yung Bleu, Davido - Unforgiving(Explicit)
13 - Yung Bleu - Dark Clouds(Explicit)
14 - Yung Bleu - Old Days(Explicit)
15 - Yung Bleu, A Boogie Wit da Hoodie - Ghetto Love Birds(Explicit)



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