不可阻挡 (Burn It All Down) (2021英雄联盟全球总决赛主题曲) - 英雄联盟
词:Alex Seaver
制作:Jason Walsh (Riot Games)/Alex Seaver (Mako Music Publishing)
混音:Eric J and Jason Walsh (Riot Games)
This ain't where the legends come from

You're not what a hero looks like

Pretty little flower won't you sit back down and go play nice

Keep talking keep laughing

One day you'll wish you hadn't

All the people want fire fire

Maybe it's time they meet their dragon

If you're gonna hold me down

And you're not gonna let me in

Into your castle walls
None of you can keep them

Cause if I gotta

Bu bu burn it all down
Then we'll burn it all down
My oh my look at who end up bigger this time

And if I gotta
Bu bu break it all down
Then let's break it all down
Bye bye bye
Playing with fire

And we burn it all down

This is where the bruises come from

This is when the game gets ugly

These blood sweat tears keep running

Licking my plate 'cause I'm so hungry

Keep talking keep laughing

One day you'll see what happens

All the people want fire fire
It's about time they meet their dragon

If you're gonna hold me down

And you're not gonna let me in
Into your castle walls
None of you can keep them
Cause if I gotta

Bu bu burn it all down
Then we'll burn it all down
My oh my look at who end up bigger this time
And if I gotta

Bu bu break it all down

Then let's break it all down
Bye bye bye

Playing with fire
And we burn it all down

It starts right now

Baby you're surrounded

Put your money where your mouth is

Bury your doubts under the ground

And they gonna watch you step over the ashes

Right now I'm taking my turn with the matches

Cause if I gotta
Bu bu burn it all down
Then we'll burn it all down
My oh my look at who end up bigger this time
And if I gotta
Bu bu break it all down

Then let's break it all down
Bye bye bye

Playing with fire

And we burn it all down



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