歌手:The Beatles
发行时间:1966 [2022重制超豪华版]
唱片公司:UMC (Universal Music Catalogue)
沧桑感“Eleanor Rigby”、童趣的“Yellow Submarine”都是经典代表作
入选BBC“百名伟大英国人”、滚石杂志“史上伟大歌手”名单的John Lennon,吉尼斯世界纪录“流行音乐史上最成功的音乐家与作曲家”Paul McCartney,滚石杂志“史上百大吉他手”第11位的George Harrison,滚石杂志“史上百大鼓手”第15名的Ringo Starr,这四个杰出的经典音乐人携手创造出The Beatles的不朽传奇!
高居“史上1000张顶尖专辑”一书No.1、滚石杂志“史上500张经典专辑”第3名,还有入选VH1频道、时代杂志、吉他世界杂志、娱乐週刊、Revolver经典专辑名单的【Revolver】,仍是由英国音乐巨擘Sir George Martin制作,原于1966年问世,大量输入迷幻摇滚之音,获得滚石杂志、AllMusic、Blender、The Daily Telegraph、Paste、Pitchfork等各大媒体的满分推崇,依旧是英美排行榜冠军之作,在美国还写下超过500万张的销售佳绩。Paul McCartney从女演员Eleanor Bron名字中取得灵感的“Eleanor Rigby”,透著沧桑悲凉的氛围,在滚石杂志“史上500首经典歌曲”中站上第137位,直奔英国冠军;Paul McCartney很想写出一首欢乐的童谣,因此完成了努力营造航海气氛的大红歌“Yellow Submarine”,美国在一个月内狂卖120万张,英国则蝉联4週冠军,许多儿童节目配乐也喜爱选用此曲;“Tomorrow Never Knows”则是Pitchfork音乐网站选出的“60年代200首经典歌曲”第19名。
成员George Harrison说这张专辑是Rubber Soul的姊妹篇,意思是说这两张碟在曲风和理念上都很接近。Revolver延续了从Rubber Soul开始的迷幻摇滚试验,并且把这种曲风发展到一个高峰。因此,从革命性上说,甚至干脆有人认为这张才是Beatles最好的专辑,当然,滚石杂志的编辑显然并不这么看。一般来说,革命性往往要以不成熟为代价。
01 - The Beatles - Taxman (2022 Mix)
02 - The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby (2022 Mix)
03 - The Beatles - I'm Only Sleeping (2022 Mix)
04 - The Beatles - Love You To (2022 Mix)
05 - The Beatles - Here, There And Everywhere (2022 Mix)
06 - The Beatles - Yellow Submarine (2022 Mix)
07 - The Beatles - She Said She Said (2022 Mix)
08 - The Beatles - Good Day Sunshine (2022 Mix)
09 - The Beatles - And Your Bird Can Sing (2022 Mix)
10 - The Beatles - For No One (2022 Mix)
11 - The Beatles - Doctor Robert (2022 Mix)
12 - The Beatles - I Want To Tell You (2022 Mix)
13 - The Beatles - Got To Get You Into My Life (2022 Mix)
14 - The Beatles - Tomorrow Never Knows (2022 Mix)
01 - The Beatles - Tomorrow Never Knows (Take 1)
02 - The Beatles - Tomorrow Never Knows (Mono Mix RM 11)
03 - The Beatles - Got To Get You Into My Life (First Version - Take 5)
04 - The Beatles - Got To Get You Into My Life (Second Version - Unnumbered Mix)
05 - The Beatles - Got To Get You Into My Life (Second Version - Take 8)
06 - The Beatles - Love You To (Take 1)
07 - The Beatles - Love You To (Unnumbered Rehearsal)
08 - The Beatles - Love You To (Take 7)
09 - The Beatles - Paperback Writer (Takes 1 & 2 - Backing Track)
10 - The Beatles - Rain (Take 5 - Actual Speed)
11 - The Beatles - Rain (Take 5 - Slowed Down For Master Tape)
12 - The Beatles - Doctor Robert (Take 7)
13 - The Beatles - And Your Bird Can Sing (First Version - Take 2)
14 - The Beatles - And Your Bird Can Sing (First Version - Take 2 - Giggling)
01 - The Beatles - And Your Bird Can Sing (Second Version - Take 5)
02 - The Beatles - Taxman (Take 11)
03 - The Beatles - I’m Only Sleeping (Rehearsal Fragment)
04 - The Beatles - I’m Only Sleeping (Take 2)
05 - The Beatles - I’m Only Sleeping (Take 5)
06 - The Beatles - I’m Only Sleeping (Mono Mix RM1)
07 - The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby (Speech Before Take 2)
08 - The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby (Take 2)
09 - The Beatles - For No One (Take 10 - Backing Track)
10 - The Beatles - Yellow Submarine (Songwriting Work Tape - Part 1)
11 - The Beatles - Yellow Submarine (Songwriting Work Tape - Part 2)
12 - The Beatles - Yellow Submarine (Take 4 Before Sound Effects)
13 - The Beatles - Yellow Submarine (Highlighted Sound Effects)
14 - The Beatles - I Want To Tell You (Speech & Take 4)
15 - The Beatles - Here, There And Everywhere (Take 6)
16 - The Beatles - She Said She Said (John's Demo)
17 - The Beatles - She Said She Said (Take 15 - Backing Track Rehearsal)
01 - The Beatles - Taxman (Mono)
02 - The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby (Mono)
03 - The Beatles - I'm Only Sleeping (Mono)
04 - The Beatles - Love You To (Mono)
05 - The Beatles - Here, There And Everywhere (Mono)
06 - The Beatles - Yellow Submarine (Mono)
07 - The Beatles - She Said She Said (Mono)
08 - The Beatles - Good Day Sunshine (Mono)
09 - The Beatles - And Your Bird Can Sing (Mono)
10 - The Beatles - For No One (Mono)
11 - The Beatles - Doctor Robert (Mono)
12 - The Beatles - I Want To Tell You (Mono)
13 - The Beatles - Got To Get You Into My Life (Mono)
14 - The Beatles - Tomorrow Never Knows (Mono)
01 - The Beatles - Paperback Writer (2022 Stereo Mix)
02 - The Beatles - Rain (2022 Stereo Mix)
03 - The Beatles - Paperback Writer (Mono)
04 - The Beatles - Rain (Mono)