歌手:Kylie Minogue


《发烧》是澳大利亚歌手凯莉·米洛的第八张录音室专辑。它于2001年10月1日由Parlophone在国际上发行,随后由Capitol Records于2002年2月26日在美国发行。米洛与作家和制作人如凯茜·丹尼斯、罗布·戴维斯、理查德·斯坦纳德、朱利安·加拉格尔、汤米迪、汤姆·尼科尔斯、帕斯卡·加布里埃尔等人合作,创作了一张受迪斯科和欧洲流行音乐影响的舞蹈流行专辑。这张专辑的其他音乐影响范围从合成流行音乐到俱乐部音乐。
发行后,《发烧》获得了乐评人的积极评价,其中许多人称赞了它的制作和商业吸引力。这张专辑取得了商业上的成功,在澳大利亚、奥地利、德国、爱尔兰和英国都高居榜首。在美国,这张专辑登上了Billboard 200排行榜的第三名,成为了米洛在美国最大的专辑;它被美国唱片工业协会(RIAA)认证为白金唱片。发烧还被澳大利亚唱片业协会(ARIA)认证为七倍白金,被英国唱片业(BPI)认证为五倍白金。它在2002年全英音乐奖颁奖典礼上赢得了国际专辑奖。
Fever is the eighth studio album by Australian singer Kylie Minogue. It was released on 1 October 2001 internationally by Parlophone and later launched in the United States on 26 February 2002 by Capitol Records. Minogue worked with writers and producers such as Cathy Dennis, Rob Davis, Richard Stannard, Julian Gallagher, TommyD, Tom Nichols, Pascal Gabriel and others to create a disco and Europop-influenced dance-pop album. Other musical influences of the album range from synth-pop to club music.
Upon its release, Fever received positive reviews from music critics, many of whom praised its production and commercial appeal. The album was a commercial success, peaking at number one in Australia, Austria, Germany, Ireland, and the UK. In the US, the album peaked at number three on the Billboard 200 chart, becoming Minogue's biggest album in the country; it was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). Fever was also certified seven-times platinum by the Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA), and five-times platinum by the British Phonographic Industry (BPI). It won the International Album accolade at the 2002 Brit Awards ceremony.
Four singles were released from the album. The lead single, "Can't Get You Out of My Head" was released in September 2001 and became a massive commercial success, peaking atop the charts of 40 countries and selling more than six million copies worldwide. The song, which is often recognised as Minogue's signature song, is her highest-selling single and one of the best-selling singles of all time. Follow-up singles "In Your Eyes" and "Love at First Sight" also performed well on charts internationally. The last single "Come into My World" won the Grammy Award for Best Dance Recording in 2004. To promote the album, Minogue embarked on her seventh concert tour, the KylieFever2002 tour.


01 - Kylie Minogue - More More More
02 - Kylie Minogue - Love at First Sight
03 - Kylie Minogue - Can't Get You out of My Head
04 - Kylie Minogue - Fever
05 - Kylie Minogue - Give It to Me
06 - Kylie Minogue - Fragile
07 - Kylie Minogue - Come into My World
08 - Kylie Minogue - In Your Eyes
09 - Kylie Minogue - Dancefloor
10 - Kylie Minogue - Love Affair
11 - Kylie Minogue - Your Love
12 - Kylie Minogue - Burning Up
13 - Kylie Minogue - Boy
14 - Kylie Minogue - Butterfly



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