歌手:Kylie Minogue
发行公司: PAL Productions Limited


《凯莉的不停历史50+1》是澳大利亚歌手凯莉·米洛的一张专辑,于1993年7月1日在日本发行,1993年10月在英国发行。这张专辑包含了米洛在PWL时期发行的大部分歌曲的片段,以及“Celebration”的Techno Rave混音。所有的曲目相互碰撞,形成了一个巨大的混合体。

"Kylie's Non-Stop History 50+1" is a compilation album by Australian singer Kylie Minogue. It was released on July 1st, 1993 in Japan and in the United Kingdom it was released in October 1993. The album contained clips of most of Minogue's songs released during her PWL period plus the Techno Rave Mix of "Celebration". All the tracks ran into each other creating a megamix. The album peaked at number 68 in the United Kingdom.
The album reached number fifty-nine on the Japanese Oricon albums chart selling 13,660 copies.


01. Do You Dare
02. I Guess I Like It Like That - Keep on Pumpin It
03. Closer
04. Shocked
05. Things Can Only Get Better
06. What Do I Have to Do
07. Better the Devil You Know
08. What Kind of Fool (Heard All That Before)
09. Secrets
10. Where in the World
11. Give Me Just a Little More Time
12. I Miss You
13. Step Back in Time
14. Celebration
15. Right Here Right Now
16. Always Find the Time
17. Look My Way
18. Count the Days
19. Onr Boy Girl
20. Rhythm of Love
21. Word Is Out
22. Just Wanna Love You
23. Its No Secret
24. Ill Still Be Lovin You
25. Lets Get to It
26. Too Much of a Good Thing
27. Live and Learn
28. Finer Feelings
29. World Still Turns, The
30. My Secret Heart
31. No World Without You
32. Especially For You
33. Say the Word
34. Tears on My Pillow
35. Telltale Signs
36. If You Were With Me Now
37. Heaven and Earth
38. Nothing to Lose
39. Wouldnt Change a Thing
40. Je Ne Sais Pas Pourquoi
41. Made in Heaven
42. Hand on Your Heart
43. Enjoy Yourself
44. Im Over Dreaming
45. Never Too Late
46. Love at First Sight
47. Got to Be Certain
48. Turn It Into Love
49. I Should Be So Lucky
50. The Loco-Motion
51. Celebration (Techno Rave Remix)



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