

虽然不像《只为一天》那么宏大和震撼,但比起制作无限吸引人、偶尔雷鸣般的情绪音乐,《只为一天》更多地尝试了先进的歌曲结构和旋律。一切都被简化了,就好像布莱恩·伊诺(Brian Eno)在两首歌中的存在——他提供键盘和处理,并在拒绝乐队的制作邀请后共同创作了一首曲子——把“氛围”音乐的更好的方面强调了出来。然而,这不是机场音乐。在片头的《艾莉森》(Alison)、大体振奋人心的《当太阳升起》(When the Sun Hits)和黑暗而欢快的《机关枪》(Machine Gun)中,Slowdive仍然有能力让人张大嘴巴,让人脊背发麻。他们找到了一种同时保持安静、移动和侵略性的方法,将恍惚般的美与周围最深的延迟吉他声混合在一起,一种既放松、舒缓又令人兴奋的声音,最重要的是,这种声音非常美丽。SBK在《Creation》英文版发行整整八个月后才在美国发行了《Souvlaki》,5张EP的四分之三都在末尾,还有一首未发行的歌曲,一首令人难忘的空间曲,贯穿了南希·辛纳屈和李·黑兹尔伍德的《Some Velvet Morning》。]
Though not as big and swirling as Just for a Day, there's more of an attempt to put advanced song structure and melody in place rather than just craft infinitely appealing, occasionally thunderous mood music. Everything is simplified, as if Brian Eno's presence on two songs -- he contributes keyboards and treatments and co-wrote one tune after turning down the band's invitation to produce -- hammered home the better aspects of "ambient" music. This is no Music for Airports though. On the opening "Alison," the largely uplifting "When the Sun Hits," and the darkly blissful "Machine Gun," Slowdive are still capable of mouth-opening, spine-tingling flourishes. They've found a way to be quiet, moving, and aggressive simultaneously, mixing trance-like beauty with the deepest delayed guitar sounds around, a sound at once relaxing, soothing, and exciting, and most of all harshly beautiful. [SBK released Souvlaki in the U.S. a full eight months after its English release on Creation, with three-quarters of the 5 EP tacked on the end, plus one unreleased track, a memorable, spacy run through Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood's "Some Velvet Morning." ]


01 - Slowdive - Alison
02 - Slowdive - Machine Gun
03 - Slowdive - 40 Days
04 - Slowdive - Sing
05 - Slowdive - Here She Comes
06 - Slowdive - Souvlaki Space Station
07 - Slowdive - When the Sun Hits
08 - Slowdive - Altogether
09 - Slowdive - Melon Yellow
10 - Slowdive - Dagger
01 - Slowdive - Some Velvet Morning
02 - Slowdive - So Tired (Single Version)
03 - Slowdive - Moussaka Chaos (Single Version)
04 - Slowdive - In Mind (Single Version)
05 - Slowdive - Good Day Sunshine (Single Version)
06 - Slowdive - Missing You (Single Version)
07 - Slowdive - Country Rain (Single Version)
08 - Slowdive - In Mind (Bandulu Remix (Out Mind))
09 - Slowdive - In Mind (Reload Remix (The 147 Take))



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