歌手:Nicholas Gunn
唱片公司:Blue Dot Studios, LLC


Nicholas Gunn发行了新专辑《声音条件》,这是一部雄心勃勃、内容丰富的作品,涵盖了电子驱动的环境世界。
电子艺术家兼制作人Nicholas Gunn在新专辑《声音条件》中成功地将节拍、构建和视角完美融合。阿丽娜·雷娜(Alina Renae)拥有稳定的环境声音流和起伏的曲折、顽皮的节拍,在需要时也会不时地加入抒情的活力和灵活性。
Nicholas Gunn-完好
我们第一次通过Alina Renae演唱了歌曲《天使》,她在整张专辑的四首歌中都有出现。她温和的音调和完美平衡的旋律为歌词带来了正义,让音乐围绕着她的能量起舞。这个技巧在同样令人印象深刻的Broken上重复,它再次以一种诱人的方式构建,环境声音被Alina的声乐作品和Gunn所吸引,创造了令人着迷的节奏和合成流。这首歌这次没有达到那种充满活力的程度,但歌曲的柔和足以让你保持兴趣。
Nicholas Gunn releases new album Sound Condition, an ambitious and varied piece of work that encompasses an electronically driven ambient world.
Electronic artist and producer Nicholas Gunn manages to produce a perfect blend of beats, build-ups and perspectives on new album, Sound Condition. With a settled flow of ambient sounds and meandering, playful beats that ebb and flow, Alina Renae also features now and again to add a lyrical vibrancy and dexterity when needed.
Starting with The Unfolding is the perfect way to unwrap the record, as ethereal sounds and pipe-stylised flows build amongst ambient notes and solid, bassy sounds. It’s the noise of nature coming alive and Gunn is trying to wake up the listener’s senses. It slowly builds to an energetic crescendo of synths that bursts in from nowhere and disappears just as quickly. This is then followed by the more lively Shine, which develops in a faster way, even if borrowing some of the layering techniques of the opener.
Nicholas Gunn - Sound Condition
We get vocals for the first time with track Angels via Alina Renae who features on four songs throughout the album. Her docile tones and perfectly balanced melodies bring justice to the lyrics which allows the music to dance around her energy. The trick is repeated on the equally impressive Broken which once again builds in a seductive way, the ambient sounds being drawn out by Alina’s vocal work and Gunn creating mesmerising rhythms and synthy flows. The track doesn’t hit that energetic patch this time, but the softness of the song is enough to keep you interested.
If Alina brings here subtlety and brevity to the vocal tracks, Gunn manages to bring to life the stories on the vocal-less ones. Language borrows from 90s dance techniques to enthral the listener through rising, playful beats and intermittent piano tracks but never allowing it to get too aggressive. Flow strips things right back to hide behind a mystical veil as Tingsha style bells and those pipes once again hypnotize the listener into a calm and meditative state. The album ends on The Promise, Alina once again entering the fray to help mediate one of the more uplifting tracks on the record that, later on, develops a power and integrity of its own.
Sound Condition is a mesmerising album that develops a strong sense of personality and structure as it progresses. The mix of experimental, ambient, and electronic ideas keep things fresh but always conforms to an overall sound. Alina also adds a sense of flavour and direction to the tracks she features on.


01.The Unfolding
03.Angels (feat. Alina Renae)
04.Sound Condition
05.My Body Is A Temple
06.Broken (feat. Alina Renae)
08.Just Us (feat. Alina Renae)
10.The Promise (feat. Alina Renae)



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