歌手:Sophie Ellis-Bextor
唱片公司:Polydor Records


这张 2007 年专辑的 14 首曲目由这位前歌手为 90 年代的有希望的人发行,The Audience 包括两首额外的曲目,“Can't Have It All”和“Supersonic”。 Sophie 期待已久的第三张个人专辑在经历了一段改变人生的假期后问世,在此期间她嫁给了 The Feeling 的贝斯手 Richard Jones,并生下了她的儿子 Sonny。Trip The Light奇妙的'看到她在闪闪发光的形式上与专辑中流行音乐中最好的名字合作(Cathy Dennis,来自B52S的Fred Schnieder,Dan Gillespie从Feelt和Xenomania出售),Trip The Light Fantastic包括经典 - 单曲,“抓住你”。普遍的。
UK 14-track pressing of this 2007 album from the former vocalist for '90s hopefuls The Audience includes two bonus tracks, 'Can't Have It All' & 'Supersonic'. Sophie's long-awaited third solo album arrives after a life-changing break during which she married Richard Jones, bassist with The Feeling and gave birth to her son, Sonny. Trip The Light Fantastic' sees her on sparkling form Having worked with some of Pop's finest names on the album (Cathy Dennis, Fred Schnieder from The B52s, Dan Gillespie Sells from The Feeling and Xenomania), Trip The Light Fantastic includes the classic-in-the-making single, 'Catch You'. Universal.


01 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Catch You
02 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Me And My Imagination
03 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Today The Sun's On Us
04 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - New York City Lights
05 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - If I Can't Dance
06 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - The Distance Between Us
07 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - If You Go
08 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Only One
09 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Love Is Here
10 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - New Flame
11 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - China Heart
12 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - What Have We Started-
13 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Supersonic (UK Bonus Track)



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