歌手:Fall Out Boy
唱片公司:Island Records


多白金组合Fall Out Boy推出了他们有史以来的第一场现场演唱会CD+DVD“***凤凰城现场”。这张DVD于去年6月在凤凰城的板球馆为2007年本田思域巡回演唱会录制,收录了《Fall Out Boy》三张专辑中超过一个小时的现场音乐,包括热门歌曲《Saturday》、《Sugar We’re Going Down》、《Dance,Dance》、《This Not A Scene,It’s An Arms Race》和《Me&You》,在乌干达拍摄的《我和你》的制作,以及去年夏天本田思域巡回赛的大量幕后镜头和外景。CD+DVD套装包括一张18首曲目的LIVE CD,其中收录了演唱会中的精选歌曲,以及一张之前录制的、从未发行过的迈克尔·杰克逊与一位特邀吉他手合作的《Beat It》录音室录音。
Multi-platinum group Fall Out Boy present their first ever LIVE concert CD+DVD "**** Live in Phoenix". Taped last June at the Cricket Pavilion in Phoenix for the 2007 Honda Civic Tour, the DVD features over one hour of LIVE music from all three Fall Out Boy albums including the hits, "Saturday," "Sugar We're Going Down," "Dance, Dance," "This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race" and "Me & You." Also featured on the DVD are all eight Fall Out Boy music videos in chronological order, the making of "Me & You"- filmed in Uganda - and plenty of behind-the-scenes footage and out-takes from last summer's Honda Civic Tour. The CD + DVD package includes an 18 track LIVE CD featuring select songs from the concert and a previously recorded, never before released studio recording of Michael Jackson's "Beat It" with a special guest guitarist.


01 - Fall Out Boy - Thriller (Live At The Cricket Pavillion -2007)
02 - Fall Out Boy - Grand Theft Autumn - Where Is Your Boy (Live At The Cricket Pavillion -2007)
03 - Fall Out Boy - Sugar, We're Goin Down (Live At The Cricket Pavillion -2007)
04 - Fall Out Boy - Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued (Live At The Cricket Pavillion /2007)
05 - Fall Out Boy - Hum Hallelujah (Live At The Cricket Pavillion -2007)
06 - Fall Out Boy - Tell That Mick He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today (Live At The Cricket Pavillion -2007)
07 - Fall Out Boy - I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You) (Live At The Cricket Pavillion /2007)
08 - Fall Out Boy - A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More -Touch Me- (Live At The Cricket Pavillion -2007)
09 - Fall Out Boy - Beat It (Live At The Cricket Pavillion -2007)
10 - Fall Out Boy - Golden (Live At The Cricket Pavillion -2007)
11 - Fall Out Boy - This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race (Live At The Cricket Pavillion -2007)
12 - Fall Out Boy - Thnks fr th Mmrs (Live At The Cricket Pavillion -2007)
13 - Fall Out Boy - -The Take Over, The Breaks Over- (Live At The Cricket Pavillion -2007)
14 - Fall Out Boy - Dance, Dance (Live At The Cricket Pavillion -2007)
15 - Fall Out Boy - Saturday (Live At The Cricket Pavillion -2007)
16 - Fall Out Boy, John Mayer - Beat It (Studio Version)



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