歌手:The Paper Kites


The Paper Kites 的下一张完整录音室专辑——他们在整个 2010 年代赢得了全球粉丝群,成为在整个十年中出现的独立民谣场景中的领军人物——将收录来自世界各地的女性音乐家,包括朱莉娅·斯通(安格斯和朱莉娅·斯通)、露西·罗斯、罗西·卡尼、奥菲·奥多诺万、娜迪亚·里德、阿曼达·伯格曼、莉迪亚·科尔、吉娜·罗斯·布鲁斯等。这将标志着 The Paper Kites 首次欢迎多名非乐队表演者出现在他们的一个工作室项目中。

The next full-length studio album from The Paper Kites—who gained a global fanbase throughout the 2010s as a leading name in the indie-folk scene which emerged throughout the decade—will feature a mix of female musicians recruited from around the world, including Julia Stone (Angus & Julia Stone), Lucy Rose, Rosie Carney, Aoife O’Donovan, Nadia Reid, Amanda Bergman, Lydia Cole, Gena Rose Bruce, and more. This will mark the first time that The Paper Kites have welcomed multiple non-band performers to appear on one of their studio projects.


01 - The Paper Kites, MARO - Walk Above the City (feat. Maro)
02 - The Paper Kites, Aoife O'Donovan - Climb On Your Tears (feat. Aoife O'Donovan)
03 - The Paper Kites, Lydia Cole - Dearest (feat. Lydia Cole)
04 - The Paper Kites, Ainslie Wills - Steal My Heart Away (feat. Ainslie Wills)
05 - The Paper Kites, Julia Stone - Without Your Love (feat. Julia Stone)
06 - The Paper Kites, Amanda Bergman - Crossfire (feat. Amanda Bergman)
07 - The Paper Kites, Gena Rose Bruce - Lonely (feat. Gena Rose Bruce)
08 - The Paper Kites, Nadia Reid - Take Me Home (feat. Nadia Reid)
09 - The Paper Kites, Lucy Rose - For All You Give (feat. Lucy Rose)
10 - The Paper Kites, Rosie Carney - By My Side (feat. Rosie Carney)



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