歌手:Allie Moss
唱片公司:Soundy Music


New Jersey/New York: Subtly eccentric songwriter, guitarist and singer, Allie Moss, is set to release her debut album, Late Bloomer on June 14th on Soundy Music. Late Bloomer is a ten song LP that highlights the luminescent vocals and lush guitar and string arrangements of the New Jersey native and rhythm guitarist for Ingrid Michaelson. The album is produced by Sam Kassirer (Josh Ritter, Erin McKeown). The album kicks off with the track “Corner,” a left-field hit last year in the UK when featured in a British Telecom TV spot for BT Infinity (their broadband service). The spot came about after BT contacted Moss blindly via Facebook. Three days later the song was on national television. The placement yielded the then unknown Moss 30,000 downloads of the song and 850,000 views on youtube. Late Bloomer also features the whimsical, bittersweet single, “Melancholy Astronautic Man” – accompanied by a delightful stop-motion video comprised entirely of Legos. Her producer, Sam Kassirer and drummer Liam Hurley were inspired to create this video as a gift to the singer. Click here to watch: http://alliemoss.com Of the track, Allie says: “Melancholy Astronautic Man’ is my sad love song. My friend Rick Barry hosts a songwriter show in New Jersey called ‘Night In Progress’ where you write 30 minutes of new songs just for that night. I had a bit of this song done but needed to finish the chorus. Thinking I'd never have to perform it again, I used the word "astronautic" in the chorus. Somehow it stuck and my love of Dr. Seuss tongue twisters is reignited every time I get to sing it!” Allie’s music has ignited a spark in her listeners – they’ve used her songs to create everything from numerous unsolicited remixes of “Corner” to a ballet performance. The junior dancers of the Beyond Words Dance Company (IL) choreographed and filmed their dance and posted it on youtube. Even the artwork for the album came to Moss through a fan – 21 year old UK native Ryan Robinson was commissioned to create images for her merchandise and album after he randomly contacted Allie via the web. While Late Bloomer is her debut album, the New Jersey native Moss is no newcomer to music -- she picked up the guitar at age 16. “By the time I learned five chords, I was ready to start writing songs,” she recalls. “It became like an addiction. I’d always been able to sing as a kid, but it wasn’t until I played guitar – and could create something out of nothing – that music became my dream.” Perhaps Zach Braff (Scrubs/Garden State) put it best: “She plays this song and we were all drop-jawed, it was just so incredibly beautiful. Her name is Allie Moss and she’s going to be giant!” Allie Moss will tour in the UK and North America in the Summer of 2011 in support of the release of Late Bloomer. Recently, Allie’s tracks have been featured on the CW’s Pretty Little Liars and ABC’s Brothers & Sisters.


01 - Allie Moss - Corner
02 - Allie Moss - Dig With Me
03 - Allie Moss - Melancholy Astronautic Man
04 - Allie Moss - Late Bloomer
05 - Allie Moss - Let It Go
06 - Allie Moss - Something to Hold On To
07 - Allie Moss - Leave It All Behind
08 - Allie Moss - Rally
09 - Allie Moss - Days I Regret
10 - Allie Moss - Passerby
11 - Allie Moss - Prisoner of Hope (Bonus)
12 - Allie Moss - Make Your Move (Bonus)
13 - Allie Moss - Anywhere to Find You (Bonus)
14 - Allie Moss - Way With Words (Bonus)



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