Childhood Dreams - Seraphine/Jasmine Clarke/Absofacto
Lyrics by:Sebastian Teigen and Ariadne Jenssen
Composed by:Sebastian Teigen and Ariadne Jenssen

Hmm mmm mmm
Hmm mmm mmm

Hmm mmm mmm

Hmm mmm mmm

Hmm mmm mmm
I dream a hundred dreams a minute 我每分钟要做无数个梦

In deep inside what I construct 在内心深处筑起了围墙

So there's no use don't even bother 别费力了 不要自寻烦恼

Tonight is not the night for us 今夜不属于你我二人

I have a million shapes a decade 十年间我改变了很多

I'm past the point of no return 一切早就无法回头了

So don't even call don't even bother 别打我电话 不要自寻烦恼

'Cause I can't make you my concern 因为我不能让你成为我的牵挂

I'm running faster than before 我比以往更肆意洒脱

Beats and tunes and lovers 这些节奏 旋律还有爱人
Cannot hold me back no more 都已无法阻止我的步伐
I work alone 我是个独行侠

Is this all I'll ever know 这就是我知道的全部吗

And I remember all my childhood dreams 我仍记得自己童年的梦
I find it hard to get them out of my mind 难以将它们遗忘脑海
And I remember all my childhood dreams 我仍记得自己童年的梦
I find it hard to get them out of my mind 难以将它们遗忘脑海
And I remember all my 我仍记得自己童年的梦
So as the night time hits my window 黑夜敲打我的窗户

Sudden move to gain the lights 忽然之间光芒乍现

'Cause I'm not even close to done yet 因为我还没实现梦想

Well I won't leave I'm too inspired 我绝不会半途而废

And when the dawn emerges slowly 当黎明晨曦渐渐降临

I realize the night has passed 我意识到黑夜已逝

The sounds I made were visionary 心底之声是那般梦幻

Looking forward to go back 多希望一切能回到过去

I'm running faster than before 我比以往更肆意洒脱

Beats and tunes and lovers 这些节奏 旋律还有爱人
Cannot hold me back no more 都已无法阻止我的步伐
I work alone 我是个独行侠

Is this all I'll ever know 这就是我知道的全部吗
And I remember all my childhood dreams 我仍记得自己童年的梦
I find it hard to get them out of my mind 难以将它们遗忘脑海
And I remember all my childhood dreams 我仍记得自己童年的梦
I find it hard to get them out of my mind 难以将它们遗忘脑海

Hmm mmm mmm
Hmm mmm mmm
Hmm mmm mmm
Hmm mmm mmm
Hmm mmm mmm



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