歌手:The Beatles


知名音乐製作人林暐哲诚挚推荐: Greatest band of all time, still raw, fresh and timeless after all these years.
史上最传奇乐团 生涯最精彩演出
选唱"I Want To Hold Your Hand"、"I Saw Her Standing There"、"She Loves You"、"Please Mister Postman"、"Twist And Shout"…等名曲
于1994年发行的披头士专辑–《Live at the BBC》成为了当时英国销量第一的专辑,它曾在6周之内就在全球卖出了500多万张。现在,发行方决定在当地时间11月11日发行该系列专辑的第二弹–《Live at the BBC Volume 2》。据悉,此次唱片中将囊括了曾于1963年至1964年在BBC广播中播放过的歌曲。第二张专辑有2张CD,总共有63首歌,其中37首则都是早前未曾以唱片的形式发布过的。另外,乐迷们还能听到23段珍贵的声音记录–披头士四位成员跟各大电台主持人之间的交流音频。成员Paul McCartney负责了这张唱片的编辑工作。
1962年3月至1965年6月间,英国BBC电台播出了超过275次的披头四现场演唱录音,其中包括在每週带状播出的歌唱节目「Pop Goes The Beatles」及「Saturday Club」所进行的演出。1963那年披头四在BBC电台的表演更多达39场;他们甚至曾经在1963年7月16日一天之内,以不到7个小时的时间为3集的「Pop Goes The Beatles」节目录製了18首歌。披头四在BBC sessions中共演唱过88首不同的歌曲,可以说是披头四为祖国英国献唱的最珍贵音乐纪录。
此辑拥有许多意义非凡的录音,像是披头四在1963年7月16日于巴黎剧院录唱传奇摇滚歌手Buddy Holly名曲"Words Of Love",这个版本其实比乐团收录于1964年12月发行的专辑『Beatles For Sale』的版本抢先15个月在BBC电台曝光,Paul McCartney与John Lennon经由简单且效果不错的重叠录音方式,进行两部和声演唱。还有披头四在1963年7月10日Aeolian Hall的Studio Two录製女子灵魂乐团The Marvelettes为Motown厂牌缔造该厂首支全美热门单曲榜冠军曲"Please Mister Postman",披头四藉由选唱此曲向英国乐迷引荐Motown音乐。披头四同时也选唱另一组女子灵魂乐团Shirells 1960年冠军曲"Will You Love Me Tomorrow"的B面曲"Boys"。1963年9月7日于伦敦的BBC Playhouse Theatre录唱乐团创作曲"I Saw Her Standing There",披头四的版本是为庆祝「Saturday Club」节目製播5週年所录製的。乐团在此一现场录音作品中演唱的创作曲还包括:"I Want To Hold Your Hand"、"She Loves You"、"From Me To You"、"And I Love Her"、"Please Please Me"。
【On Air – Live At The BBC Volume 2】由『Live At The BBC』的执行製作Kevin Howlett与音乐专栏作家Mike Heatley进行歌曲挑选与编排,邀请举世闻名的录音室Abbey Road Studios的录音名匠Guy Massey与Alex Wharton进行录音母带製作。保罗麦卡尼多年后再次听到这些录音,感受到当时的意气风发与充沛活力,他说:「我们全心投入表演,毫无保留,努力呈现出人生中最棒的演出。」


01 - Rodney Burke - And Here We Are Again (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 23rd July, 1963)
02 - The Beatles - Words Of Love (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 20th August, 1963)
03 - Rodney Burke, George Harrison - How About It, Gorgeous- (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 30th July, 1963)
04 - The Beatles - Do You Want To Know A Secret (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 30th July, 1963)
05 - The Beatles - Lucille (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 17th September, 1963)
06 - Lee Peters, Paul McCartney - Hey Paul…. (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 25th June, 1963)
07 - The Beatles - Anna (Go To Him) (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 27th August, 1963)
08 - Lee Peters, John Lennon - Hello! (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 25th June, 1963)
09 - The Beatles - Please Please Me (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 13th August, 1963)
10 - The Beatles - Misery (Live At The BBC For -Here We Go- - 12th March, 1963)
11 - The Beatles - I'm Talking About You (Live At The BBC For -Saturday Club- - 16th March, 1963)
12 - Lee Peters, Ringo Starr, John Lennon - A Real Treat (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 25th June, 1963)
13 - The Beatles - Boys (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 25th June, 1963)
14 - Lee Peters, George Harrison - Absolutely Fab (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 25th June, 1963)
15 - The Beatles - Chains (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 25th June, 1963)
16 - The Beatles - Ask Me Why (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 24th September, 1963)
17 - The Beatles - Till There Was You (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 30th July, 1963)
18 - The Beatles - Lend Me Your Comb (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 16th July, 1963)
19 - Rodney Burke, Paul McCartney, George Harrison - Lower 5E (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 10th September, 1963)
20 - The Beatles - The Hippy Hippy Shake (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 10th September, 1963)
21 - The Beatles - Roll Over Beethoven (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 3rd September, 1963)
22 - The Beatles - There's A Place (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 3rd September, 1963)
23 - The Beatles, Lee Peters - Bumper Bundle (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 25th June, 1963)
24 - The Beatles - P.S. I Love You (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 25th June, 1963)
25 - The Beatles - Please Mister Postman (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 30th July 1963)
26 - The Beatles - Beautiful Dreamer (Live At The BBC For -Saturday Club- - 26th January, 1963)
27 - The Beatles - Devil In Her Heart (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 25th September, 1963)
28 - Paul McCartney - The 49 Weeks (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 24th September, 1963)
29 - The Beatles - Sure To Fall (In Love With You) (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 24th September, 1963)
30 - The Beatles, Rodney Burke - Never Mind, Eh- (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 24th September, 1963)
31 - The Beatles - Twist And Shout (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 6th August, 1963)
32 - The Beatles, Rodney Burke - Bye, Bye (Live At The BBC For -Pop Go The Beatles- - 24th September, 1963)
33 - John Lennon, Brian Matthew - John - Pop Profile (Live At The BBC - 30th November, 1965)
34 - George Harrison, Brian Matthew - George - Pop Profile (Live At The BBC - 30th November, 1965)
01 - The Beatles - I Saw Her Standing There (Live At The BBC For -Saturday Club- - 5th October, 1963)
02 - The Beatles - Glad All Over (Live At The BBC For -Saturday Club- - 24th August, 1963)
03 - Paul McCartney, Brian Matthew - Lift Lid Again (Live At The BBC For -Saturday Club- - 24th August, 1963)
04 - The Beatles - I'll Get You (Live At The BBC For -Saturday Club- - 5th October, 1963)
05 - The Beatles - She Loves You (Live At The BBC For -Saturday Club- - 5th October, 1963)
06 - The Beatles - Memphis, Tennessee (Live At The BBC For -Saturday Club- - 5th October, 1963)
07 - The Beatles - Happy Birthday Dear Saturday Club (Live At The BBC For -Saturday Club- - 5th October, 1963)
08 - Brian Matthew, Paul McCartney, John Lennon - Now Hush, Hush (Live At The BBC For -Easy Beat- - 20th October, 1963)
09 - The Beatles - From Me To You (Live At The BBC For -Easy Beat- - 20th October, 1963)
10 - The Beatles - Money (That's What I Want) (Live At The BBC For -The Beatles Say From Us To You- - 26th December, 19
11 - The Beatles - I Want To Hold Your Hand (Live At The BBC For -The Beatles Say From Us To You- - 26th December, 1963
12 - John Lennon, George Harrison, Brian Matthew - Brian Bathtubes (Live At The BBC For -Saturday Club- - 21st December, 1963)
13 - The Beatles - This Boy (Live At The BBC For -Saturday Club- - 21st December, 1963)
14 - Brian Matthew, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr - If I Wasn’t In America (Live At The BBC For -Saturday Club- - 15th February, 1964)
15 - The Beatles - I Got A Woman (Live At The BBC For -Saturday Club- - 4th April, 1964)
16 - The Beatles - Long Tall Sally (Live At The BBC For -Top Gear- - 16th July, 1964)
17 - The Beatles - If I Fell (Live At The BBC For -Top Gear- - 16th July, 1964)
18 - The Beatles, Brian Matthew - A Hard Job Writing Them (Live At The BBC For -Top Gear- - 16th July, 1964)
19 - The Beatles - And I Love Her (Live At The BBC For -Top Gear- - 16th July, 1964)
20 - Alan Freeman, John Lennon - Oh, Can’t We- Yes We Can (Live At The BBC For -From Us To You Say The Beatles- - 30th March, 1964)
21 - The Beatles - You Can't Do That (Live At The BBC For -Top Gear- - 16th July, 1964)
22 - The Beatles - Honey Don't (Live At The BBC For -Top Gear- - 26th November, 1964)
23 - The Beatles - I'll Follow The Sun (Live At The BBC For -Top Gear- - 26th November, 1964)
24 - The Beatles, Brian Matthew - Green With Black Shutters (Live At The BBC - 1965)
25 - The Beatles - Kansas City - Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey! (Live At The BBC For -Saturday Club- - 26th December 1964)
26 - The Beatles, Bernie Andrews - That’s What We’re Here For (Live At The BBC For -Top Gear- - 26th November, 1964)
27 - The Beatles - I Feel Fine (Studio Out-take) (Live At The BBC For -Top Gear- - 17th November, 1964)
28 - Paul McCartney, Brian Matthew - Paul - Pop Profile (Live At The BBC - 2nd May, 1966)
29 - Ringo Starr, Brian Matthew - Ringo - Pop Profile (Live At The BBC - 2nd May, 1966)



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