歌手:Jon Batiste /Stay Human
唱片公司:Razor & Tie


《社交音乐》是备受尊敬的音乐家Jon Batiste(钢琴/人声/harmonabord)和他的乐队Stay Human于2013年推出的专辑,乐队由Joe Saylor(鼓/手鼓)、Eddie Barbash(中音萨克斯管/人声)和Ibanda Ruhumbika(大号/长号)组成。这张专辑由杰夫·琼斯(温顿·马萨利斯、诺拉·琼斯、约翰博士、埃里克·克莱普顿、公敌)和乔恩·巴蒂斯特共同制作。凭借其深情的嗓音、精湛的钢琴技巧和整洁的风格感,Jon Batiste超越了音乐流派,点燃了音乐界。尽管他来自新奥尔良著名的音乐家家族,但在过去的十年里,他通过将自己不可磨灭地融入纽约市文化的结构中,开创了自己的艺术道路。26岁的乔恩是哈莱姆区国家爵士乐博物馆的艺术总监,还获得了茱莉亚音乐学院的硕士学位。
Social Music is the 2013 album from esteemed musician Jon Batiste (piano/vocals/harmonabord) and his band Stay Human comprised of Joe Saylor (drums/tambourine), Eddie Barbash (alto saxophone/vocals), and Ibanda Ruhumbika (tuba/trombone). The album was produced by Jeff Jones (Wynton Marsalis, Norah Jones, Dr. John, Eric Clapton, Public Enemy) with Jon Batiste. With his soulful voice, virtuosic piano chops and dapper sense of style, Jon Batiste transcends music genres and has ignited the music scene. Although he comes from a renowned lineage of New Orleans musicians, over in the last decade he has forged his own artistic path by indelibly fusing himself within the fabric of New York City culture. At 26, Jon is the Artistic Director At Large for the National Jazz Museum in Harlem and has also received a Masters Degree from the Juilliard School.


01. D-Flat Movement I
02. Let God Lead
03. Express Yourself (Say Yes)
04. The (Maple Leaf Rag) Jazz Man Speaks
05. Lonely Cry In Manhattan
06. San Spirito
07. St. James Imfirmary
08. Naima's Love Song
09. It's Alright (Why You Gotta)
10. Express Yourself [Outro]
11. The Spirit is With Us
12. Star Spangled Banner



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