歌手:The Beatles
发行时间:1967 [2017重制超豪华版]
2017全新数位化录製有请专辑原制作人George Martin之子Giles Martin根据原始类比母带重新混音
「西方文明史的决定时刻」──这是英国《泰晤士报》1967年“Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band”专辑评论稿的开场句。是的,过了整整五十年,这张唱片不但仍被视为1960年代流行音乐登峰造极的成就,不夸张地说,它确实是西方文化史的一座里程碑。
John Lennon、Paul McCartney、George Harrison、Ringo Starr这四个来自利物浦的小伙子,让摇滚乐不再只是娱乐青少年的歌唱路线,而正式登入世人仰望的艺术殿堂。“Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band”首尾统整的完整结构,更开启了「概念专辑」的时代,解放了摇滚的形式框架。乐史经典名盘多矣,但若要挑一张最能代表1960年代「时代精神」的唱片,“Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band”当之无愧。这张唱片涵括了跨时代、跨世代、跨文化的题材:标题这支虚拟乐团,便是向世纪初爷爷辈的军乐队致敬。专辑裡有如梦似幻的奇境之旅、谈恋爱的愤青、离家出走的富家少女、维多利亚时代的马戏团奇观、可爱的停车管理员姑娘、城郊家庭主妇的日常生活、歌颂老年的爱情,还有对于人生存在意义的哲思。他们什么题材都能入歌,并且拥有点石成金的魔力。这些歌构成一个五彩缤纷的小宇宙,引领听者浮想联翩。披头士耗费将近五个月,在录音室累积工作700个小时,才终于完成这张专辑(他们1963年录制首张专辑“Please Please Me”只花了585分钟),是史无前例的浩大工程。他们「把录音室当成乐器」,逆放、拼贴、变速、叠录、恶搞器材,创造许多天外飞来的声响。这场大胆的声音实验,在压轴曲《A Day in the Life》发挥得淋漓尽致:那两段管弦乐团世界末日般的轰响,或许是流行乐史最最惊人的声音奇观。
2017年版的“Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band”由原製制作人George Martin的公子Giles Martin根据原始类比母带重新混音:这是半世纪来,披头士专辑首度发行全新混音,Giles Martin参考乐团当初认可的「决定版」单声道混音,重新定位所有乐器和音色,鼓声更鲜活,乐器细节更丰富,音场更饱满深邃,却保留了原始专辑的精神,堪称这张旷世钜作发行以来最重要的「升级版」。此次纪念版更收录了一系列珍贵的相异版本,许多都是初次出土。细细听下来,你也会叹服:那真是一个元气淋漓的时代。
能活到这个时代,亲耳听到“Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band”纪念版的乐迷是最幸福的。恭喜你。
01 - The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remastered 2017)
02 - The Beatles - With A Little Help From My Friends (Remastered 2017)
03 - The Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Remastered 2017)
04 - The Beatles - Getting Better (Remastered 2017)
05 - The Beatles - Fixing A Hole (Remastered 2017)
06 - The Beatles - She's Leaving Home (Remastered 2017)
07 - The Beatles - Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! (Remastered 2017)
08 - The Beatles - Within You Without You (Remastered 2017)
09 - The Beatles - When I'm Sixty-Four (Remastered 2017)
10 - The Beatles - Lovely Rita (Remastered 2017)
11 - The Beatles - Good Morning Good Morning (Remastered 2017)
12 - The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) (Remastered 2017)
13 - The Beatles - A Day In The Life (Remastered 2017)
01 - The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 1)
02 - The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 4)
03 - The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 7)
04 - The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 26)
05 - The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever (Stereo Mix 2015)
06 - The Beatles - When I'm Sixty-Four (Take 2)
07 - The Beatles - Penny Lane (Take 6 - Instrumental)
08 - The Beatles - Penny Lane (Vocal Overdubs And Speech)
09 - The Beatles - Penny Lane (Stereo Mix 2017)
10 - The Beatles - A Day In The Life (Take 1)
11 - The Beatles - A Day In The Life (Take 2)
12 - The Beatles - A Day In The Life (Orchestra Overdub)
13 - The Beatles - A Day In The Life (Hummed Last Chord - Takes 8, 9, 10 And 11)
14 - The Beatles - A Day In The Life (The Last Chord)
15 - The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Take 1 - Instrumental)
16 - The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Take 9 And Speech)
17 - The Beatles - Good Morning Good Morning (Take 1 - Instrumental Breakdown)
18 - The Beatles - Good Morning Good Morning (Take 8)
01 - The Beatles - Fixing A Hole (Take 1)
02 - The Beatles - Fixing A Hole (Speech And Take 3)
03 - The Beatles - Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! (Speech From Before Take 1 - Take 4 And Speech At End)
04 - The Beatles - Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! (Take 7)
05 - The Beatles - Lovely Rita (Speech And Take 9)
06 - The Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Take 1 And Speech At The End)
07 - The Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Speech, False Start And Take 5)
08 - The Beatles - Getting Better (Take 1 - Instrumental And Speech At The End)
09 - The Beatles - Getting Better (Take 12)
10 - The Beatles - Within You Without You (Take 1 - Indian Instruments)
11 - The Beatles - Within You Without You (George Coaching The Musicians)
12 - The Beatles - She's Leaving Home (Take 1 - Instrumental)
13 - The Beatles - She's Leaving Home (Take 6 - Instrumental)
14 - The Beatles - With A Little Help From My Friends (Take 1 - False Start And Take 2 - Instrumental)
15 - The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) (Speech And Take 8)
01 - The Beatles - Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
02 - The Beatles - With A Little Help From My Friends
03 - The Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
04 - The Beatles - Getting Better
05 - The Beatles - Fixing A Hole
06 - The Beatles - She's Leaving Home
07 - The Beatles - Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite!
08 - The Beatles - Within You Without You
09 - The Beatles - When I'm Sixty Four
10 - The Beatles - Lovely Rita
11 - The Beatles - Good Morning Good Morning
12 - The Beatles - Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
13 - The Beatles - A Day In The Life
14 - The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever
15 - The Beatles - Penny Lane
16 - The Beatles - A Day In The Life (First Mono Mix)
17 - The Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Original Mono Mix - No. 11)
18 - The Beatles - She's Leaving Home (First Mono Mix)
19 - The Beatles - Penny Lane (Capitol Records Mono US Promo Mix)